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The Kentucky Branch of the English-Speaking Union awards scholarships for juniors to take summer courses offered at three institutions in the United Kingdom: Cambridge University, Oxford University, and Edinburgh University. Students who do not have extensive experience traveling abroad are encouraged to apply.

This award requires university endorsement. Please contact the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards for more information on the application process.

Next campus deadline: September 2025

Award Recipients

Award Recipients
Olivia Walton headshot
Olivia Walton

English and political science junior Olivia Walton was awarded an English-Speaking Union Scholarship to study English literature at University of Oxford.

Read more in UKNow.

Rayleigh Deaton in red shirt and jeans sitting on ledge
Rayleigh Deaton

Communication and political science junior Rayleigh Deaton was awarded an English-Speaking Union Scholarship (ESU) to study English literature at Oxford.

Read more in UKNow.

Hailey Combs headshot
Hailey Combs

English major Hailey Combs has been awarded an English-Speaking Union (ESU) Scholarship, presented by the English-Speaking Union Kentucky Branch. The scholarship covers three weeks of English literature study at the University of Cambridge.

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Shania Goble headshot
Shania Goble

English and history major Shania Goble has been awarded an English-Speaking Union (ESU) Scholarship, presented by the English-Speaking Union Kentucky Branch. The scholarship covers three weeks of history, politics and society studies at the University of Oxford in summer 2019.

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Katie Huffman headshot
Katie Huffman

Katie Huffman has been awarded an English-Speaking Union (ESU) Scholarship, presented by the English-Speaking Union Kentucky Branch. The scholarship covers the English major's expenses for three weeks of literature studies at the University of Oxford.

Read more in UKNow.

Derek Gaiser headshot
Derek Gaiser

Derek Gaiser, a Secondary Social Studies Education and History junior, was awarded an English-Speaking Union Scholarship, which will cover his expenses for three weeks of history, politics, and society studies at the University of Oxford.

Read more in UKNow.

Abby Schroering with trees in background
Abby Schroering

Theatre and English junior Abby Schroering has been awarded an English-Speaking Union (ESU) Scholarship, which will cover Abby's expenses for three weeks of English literature studies at the University of Cambridge.

Read more in UKNow.

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Ryan Winstead

Majors: English and Gender and Women's Studies

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Nicole Schladt

Majors: International Studies and Gender and Women's Studies

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Sarah Smith

Major: History

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Elizabeth Greenfield

Major: Arts Administration

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Jason Grant

Majors: English and Linguistics

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Mark Smith

Major: History

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John T. Knadler

Majors: Economics and History

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Karyn Hinkle

Major: English

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Jason Hulbert

Majors: Economics and History

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Sarah Van Arsdale

Majors: Classics and English