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Rachel Carson Council National Environment Leadership Fellowship Program

The Rachel Carson Council National Environment Leadership Fellowship (NELF) Program is designed to identify outstanding students with a passion for environmental education, organizing, and advocacy and provide them with financial support to carry out valuable projects and campaigns on behalf of the RCC.

Go for the Goldwater Information Session

The Goldwater Scholarship is a prestigious award for sophomores or juniors planning to pursue research careers in mathematics, engineering, or a natural science.

Fulbright Study/Research Virtual Information Session

Join us to learn about the Fulbright U.S. Student Program! Fulbright provides grants for individuals to conduct research or pursue graduate study in countries around the world.

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Virtual Information Session

Join us to learn about the the Fulbright U.S. Student Program! Fulbright provides grants for individuals to serve as English teaching assistants in countries around the world.

Competitive Awards: UK To the UK

Join us to learn about pursuing graduate study in the United Kingdom through competitive awards, including the Rhodes Scholarship, Marshall Scholarship, Fulbright U.S. Student Award, Gates Cambridge Scholarship, Churchill Scholarship and more.

Shoals Marine Laboratory Undergraduate Research Group

Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) is a remote field station located on Appledore Island, Maine, jointly operated by Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire. SML's Summer Undergraduate Research Group (SURG) program enables undergraduate researchers to work directory with faculty mentors and SML scientists to conduct research experiments and projects.

Truman Scholarship Information Session

Learn about the Truman Scholarship, which supports students planning to pursue careers and graduate study in public service.

Future Leaders in Public Service Internship Program

The Future Leaders in Public Service Internship Program helps bring diverse young talent to government and offers students the opportunity to apply their educational training to work at a federal agency.

James Abrahamson Space Leader Fellowship

The James A. Abrahamson Space Leader Fellowship is a 12-month advanced learning experience sponsored by the International Space Station (ISS) National Laboratory through the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. (CASIS).

Association of American Medical Colleges Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

The Association of American Medical Colleges provides a database here of Summer Undergraduate Research Programs for students interested in medical research.