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Our World-Underwater Rolex Scholarship

The Rolex Scholarship provides a hands-on introduction to underwater and other aquatic-related endeavors for a young person considering a career in an underwater-related discipline. Each scholar spends approximately one year working side by side with current leaders in underwater fields.  The range of experiences may include active participation in field studies, underwater research, scientific expeditions, laboratory assignments, equipment testing and design, photographic instruction, and other specialized assignments.

Lime Connect Fellowship Program

The Lime Connect Fellowship Program is for highly accomplished rising Juniors with disabilities. The program guides Fellows through the summer internship recruitment process, connects them with corporate partners for potential summer internships and deepens leadership skills.

The Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program

The Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) is a fully paid summer internship that provides undergraduates with training and mentoring in the principles underlying the conduct of research and prepares them to pursue competitive applications to PhD or MD-PhD programs.

Thaddeus Colson and Isabelle Saalwaechter Fitzpatrick Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship fund provides awards up to $5,000 to female students who are residents of Kentucky majoring in environmentally related programs at public universities in Kentucky.

Taiwan-United States Sister Relations Alliance Global Ambassador Scholarship Program

The Taiwan-United States Sister Relations Alliance Global Ambassador Scholarship Program gives students from the United States an opportunity to improve Chinese language proficiency, appreciate global issues, and increase intercultural connections between the United States and Taiwan.

Stowers Summer Scholars Program

The Stowers Summer Scholars Program is an intensive research internship at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research for those interested in a research career. Scholars spend a minimum of 8-weeks over the summer conducting full-time research under the guidance and supervision of the laboratory head or a senior member of the lab.

Department of Defense SMART Scholarship

SMART Scholars are provided with the tools required to pursue their STEM education and begin their career in a prestigious civilian position with the Department of Defense (DoD). Scholarship includes full tuition and education related expenses, annual stipend, summer research internships and more.

Shawn Carter Scholars

The Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund (SCSF) was founded on the belief that any motivated individual in need should have the opportunity to further his or her education. By removing some of the financial burdens associated with going to, surviving in, and graduating from college, the SCSF plays a vital role in increasing college access and success for many motivated yet underserved youth and young adults.

Schomburg-Mellon Humanities Summer Institute

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation have created the Schomburg-Mellon Humanities Summer Institute to encourage minority students and others with an interest in African-American , African, and African Diasporan Studies to pursue graduate degrees, especially PhDs, in the humanities.

Running Start Congressional Fellowship

Through a semester-long program in Washington, DC, Congressional Fellows learn about politics first-hand from women in Congress and meet the people who helped them get there.