Queen's University Belfast Graduate School Information Session
Interested in pursuing graduate school abroad? Come hear from Queen's University Belfast (QUB) International Officer Maddie Reeves on pursuing graduate study in the United Kingdom, programs offered at QUB, and Fulbright U.S. Student Award funding/other fellowships available to pursue graduate study.
Maddie will also be available from 1-3 p.m. to speak with students who cannot make the information session or who want to chat with her one-on-one. Interested students can contact emily.sallee@uky.edu to set up a time.
Popular graduate programs at QUB include: Global Borders & Security, Conflict Transformation & Social Justice, Violence, Terrorism & Security, Geopolitics, International Relations, Politics, International Public Policy, Law, English-Creative Writing and Anthropology. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program will fund two grants for American students to pursue master's study at QUB.
Learn more about QUB here.